DSC Movements

Mandatory Fields

All these fields are mandatory to be filled up as the other fields are dependent on these, else all records will be incomplete.

Type of Movement

This is dropdown field which has two options. Inward and Outward. Based on the type of movement, you can select suitable option.

Date of Movement

You have to put a date on which In/Out movement of DSC has happened.

DSC Holder

This is look up field wherein you have to select the name of DSC for which the movement is being recorded.

Type of Outward

If you are recording movement for Outward, then you will get option to select type of Outward. This field has two Options. Handover and Courier.

Conditional Fields

These conditional fields are to be filled up only if specific details are selected.

Handover to

If you have selected Handover option in Type of Outward, then you have to mention name of the person to whom you have handed over the Digital Signature.

Name of Courier

If you have selected Courier option in Type of Outward, then you can also mention name of courier through which you have sent the Digital Signature.

POD Details

If you have selected Courier option in Type of Outward, then you can also mention POD/Tracking Number of Courier through which you have sent the Digital Signature.

Calculated Fields

These are the fields which are calculated based on existing fields.

Since these are calculated fields, please do not delete this field, else the template may not work as desired.

After Possession

This field automatically calculates the Possession of DSC after the movement has happened. This field is also important to calculate the Current Possession field in Digital Signatures table.

Send Whatsapp

This is button field, when clicked, will send auto generated whatsapp message about movement of the DSC. This field uses the Mobile Number mentioned in Clients table.

Send Email

This is button field, when clicked, will send auto generated Email message in your default email application about movement of the DSC. This field uses the Email mentioned in Clients table.

Last updated