Digital Signatures Table

This table contains all details of digital signatures which is required to be kept in record. We have following columns in this tables to keep records.

Mandatory Fields

All these fields are mandatory to be filled up as the other fields are dependent on these, else all records will be incomplete.

Name of DSC Holder

You will have to put full name of DSC holder. E.g. Amitabh Bachhan

Start Date of DSC

It contains the date of Digital signature on which it was downloaded. Based on this, the Expiry date of DSC will be calculated.


This field is a linked field which is linked to Client Table, so you can only select Client if it is included in the Client Table.

You can also add details of new Client directly from Digital Signature Table. You can see following screenshot on how to add it.

Years Valid

In this field, we mention 1, 2 or 3 as these are the number of years the digital signature is generally valid. You can also set default value. Currently, default value is 2.

Token Type

This is drop-down field wherein different options are given such as ePass2003, ProxyKey, TrustKey, Moserbaer, WatchData etc.

Token Password

This is text field which contains password of the DSC token. You can also set default value. Currently, default value is 12345678.

Initial Possession

In this field, while adding the record of this DSC, if the DSC token is with you, you have to select this checkbox, else leave it unchecked. This will determine the current possession field.

Calculated Fields

These are the fields which are calculated based on existing fields.

Since these are calculated fields, please do not delete this field, else the template may not work as desired.

End Date of DSC

This is the date which will be automatically calculated based on Start Date of DSC and number of Years Valid.

E.g. If DSC's start date is 15th February, 2022 and it is valid for 2 years, then End/Expiry Date will be 15th February, 2024.

Current Possession

Current Possession determines the current possession of the DSC token which is dependent on the Initial Possession and any change in Possession after Movement of DSC.

Add Movement

This is a Button field, which if clicked, will open a form and add a movement of DSC to DSC Movement Table. You can click here to know more on how to add movement to DSC.

Expiring in

This is a field which is calculated based on End Date of DSC and today's date. This will show in how many days a DSC will be expired.

DSC Status

This status shows total three types of status which is calculated based on days of expiring.

  1. Active Status - the days left for expiring is more 30 days

  2. Expiring Soon - the days left for expiring DSC is 30 days or less

  3. Expired DSC - when the DSC is already expired

Optional Fields

These fields are optional fields which you may keep or remove based on your requirements.

You can hide these optional fields if you do not require these in your database. Click here to know how.


You can assign a color code to each DSC e.g. based on the color keychain we attach to the DSC token. There is a separate Table which already contain few common colors.


If you are keeping the Digital Signatures in different boxes/drawers etc., you can select the suitable options here. Currently default values are Box 1, Box 2 etc.

You can change it based on your requirements (Click here to know on how you can do it)

Partner Code

If in your firm, Digital Signatures are assigned to specific partners, you can add names of Firm's partners.

Click here to know how to add names of Partners


If you have more than one office and keeps Digital Signatures in different offices, you can record the details in better way by selecting proper location of the DSC.

Click here to know how to add your firm's Locations


If your Firm purchases Digital Signatures from different vendors, then you can accordingly keep records of Vendors.

Click here to know how to add details of Vendors.

Hidden Fields

There are many calculated fields which are hidden as of now, as these fields are created to do all calculations for desired output.

Please make sure not to delete any hidden fields, else the Template will not work as desired.

Last updated